Welcome to The Ordinariate

& mission

December 20, 2024
Bishop David Waller
The Ordinariate Online
The risen Lord sends his Church forth into the world to evangelise: as part of the Catholic Church, the Ordinariate shares in that vocation and it is for the furtherance of our mission that we have commissioned this new website.
December 1, 2024
Fr Peter Conley
Newman the Advent Weatherman
If television had been invented in the 19th century, St John Henry Newman might have appeared, as a special guest, to present the weather!
May 20, 2025
May 22, 2025
Ordinariate Festival 2025
Every year we gather our whole community together for our festival, an experience of fellowship, worship and unity.
The Catholic Parish of Chapelfields & Earlsdon, Kingsland Avenue, Coventry, CV5 8DX
How did Pope Benedict XVI help to create the Ordinariate?
In September 2010, the Holy Father was keen to stress that the Apostolic Constitution "should be seen as a prophetic gesture that can contribute positively to the developing relations between Anglicans and Catholics". 
Does the Ordinariate have parishes?
The Ordinariate will, in the future, have parishes where it has groups of members. These will be 'personal' parishes and not 'territorial' like a diocesan parish.
Do Anglicans who want to become Catholic have to join the Ordinariate?
The Holy Father's offer of a Personal Ordinariate for Anglicans entering into full communion with the Catholic Church is a generous and pastoral response to the desire of Anglicans for unity with the See of Peter.