Join as a Married Couple

How to join as a married couple

Does the Ordinariate have parishes?
The Ordinariate will, in the future, have parishes where it has groups of members. These will be 'personal' parishes and not 'territorial' like a diocesan parish.
Do Anglicans who want to become Catholic have to join the Ordinariate?
The Holy Father's offer of a Personal Ordinariate for Anglicans entering into full communion with the Catholic Church is a generous and pastoral response to the desire of Anglicans for unity with the See of Peter. 
Are members of the Ordinariate still Anglicans?
Members of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham are Catholics of the Latin Rite, within the full communion of the Catholic Church. By civil law they are known, as all Catholics in England and Wales are known, as 'Roman Catholics'. However, their heritage and traditions mean that they are Catholics from the Anglican Tradition.