
The Ordinariate in Birnie (by Elgin)

Birnie Kirk is three miles south of Elgin
IV30 8SU

Welcome to our mission in

Birnie (by Elgin)

Birnie Kirk, three miles south of Elgin in Moray, once the Cathedral of Moray, is older than the great Abbeys and Cathedrals in Scotland, most of which are now in ruins. Built no later than 1140, this Norman building, built to replace an earlier 6th century church. It still serves its original purpose of almost 900 years of uninterrupted Christian worship.

Closed by the Church of Scotland in November 2023, who said it was 'making the best use of resources' in 'increasingly challenging times', thanks to an agreement with the new Elgin Kirk Session it now echoes to the sounds of Ordinariate worship.

While Kirk worship can no longer happen, in January 2024 the Ordinariate group in the Highlands stepped in to offer of an ecumenical service of Evening Prayer from the Ordinariate's Divine Worship Daily Office. This was welcomed by the new Kirk Session who also agreed to a monthly Ordinariate Mass being celebrated in Birnie Kirk.

Mission leadership

Fr Len Black

Group Pastor

Parish Priest
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Mass times

Our mission's history

Mission resources

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