The Oxford Ordinariate Group meets for its principal Mass at 5pm on Saturday evenings, at Holy Rood Catholic Church, just below Folly Bridge on the Abingdon Road. Usually the Mass is the Vigil Mass of Sunday but occasionally the Mass of a Saturday feast or solemnity is celebrated, and in either case the Sunday mass obligation is fulfilled.
During the University Term, and at other times as advertised, the music of the Mass is sung by the Newman Consort, or by cantors drawn from the Consort, but there is plenty of congregational singing too. Mass is celebrated with full ceremonial and facing East, using Divine Worship, the Missal for the Ordinariate Use. Parts of the Ordinary, on solemn occasions, are sung in Latin, whether to plainsong or polyphony.
The Sacrament of Penance is usually offered from 4.30pm on Saturdays, and on demand at other times. Evensong and Benediction, as well as the other offices of the Church, are celebrated as advertised.
7:30pm Mass (Divine Worship), 8pm Adoration & Confessions and 9:40pm Compline & Benediction.
12:30pm (Latin)
9am and 5pm (Sunday vigil Mass)