The Sarum Group was one of the first to form in June 2011. Since then we have doubled in numbers and are a happy, ever-growing, mutually supportive and thriving community. Based in Salisbury, we serve South Wiltshire, West Hampshire and North Dorset. On Sundays and most Feast Days, we worship at St Osmund's in the City Centre (Exeter Street) on Sundays at 9.15am. We play an active role in the life of the Catholic community in the City.
On Sundays and Festivals, Mass is sung to Merbecke and we use the Ordinariate rite, Divine Worship: The Missal and the Revised Standard Version of the Bible (2nd Catholic edition). We use the New English Hymnal and, as we continue to grow, we hope to expand our offering of music in our worship.
Another important element of our ‘patrimony’ is the gathering of the congregation for coffee after Mass! As well as joining with the local Catholic parishes for worship and social events.
12:30pm Mass
7pm Mass